power hour

You asked, we answered. Introducing ‘Power Hour’ with our founder, Chris.

This is your opportunity to chat with Chris, getting out of him whatever you need within the space of an hour-long virtual session.

Whether you would like some business coaching or have a particular problem that needs solved. You want feedback on a business plan or a new product. Or even if you would like help curating and implementing a marketing strategy.

This will be your hour to use as you wish.

Chris has built up a wealth of experience over the past 15 years. Below, we’ve illustrated just some of the most recent knowledge, skills and experienceyou can utilise.

Relevant Skills (3).jpg

Note: Upon booking, please provide as much detail about your goals for the hour. If possible, please also include any links to your website, social channels etc. that would help Chris get to know your business prior to the call.

If necessary, Chris may email you directly to request other information that he may deem necessary to ensure he can provide the best support possible during your ‘Power Hour.’